If you are like millions and enjoy reading up on this blog every once and a while, but don't like to remember to come check it out... you can enter your email address to the right (in the field titled "Enter your email address below to subscribe to Beebe's Thoughts!") and have a free service called Bloglet email you a summary of the day's posts. The service is smart enough to only email you on days that I post something (no email will be sent on days that nothing is posted).

Another tool I want to point out, for those of you that read multiple blogs, is a free service called Kinja, where you can set up a list of blogs that you would like to aggregate and it will provide you with a summary of recent posts for all of the blogs in one place, so you only have to check one website to see if anyone has posted versus visiting all of them. Click here to see my digest of blogs that I check daily.