1 yard of compost - 23 dollars...
2 rolls of garden fabric - 36 dollars...
3 yards of mulch - 81 dollars...
Hard working family that helps your yard step it up in the neighborhood... priceless

I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Mark, Joseph, and Pearl for all of their help and hard, hard work on Saturday (I still wish Joseph had told me he had two baseball games he could be playing instead... I would have insisted that he not come). I would also like to thank Taylor and Caitlin for their help on Sunday. So without further ado, here are some Before - After photos in my Yahoo photos section (click here if you have troubles with this link, and click on the Before - After album).
I could go on and on about the hard work, but I am pleased with the results and will simple let the pictures do the talking. Sorry if I sound conceited... well not really. Come by and see it sometime, we have two beds and would love some visitors.