All of the carpet is out of the house! Just have one room left of tack strip and staples, then I will be done with that stuff for a LONG time.

I had yesterday off and spent the majority of the day on tack strip in the upper left bedroom. Franklin and Christina came over and help since they had the day off also... their reward was some yummy BBQ from a place up the street, but unfortunately Christina doesn't like BBQ so she had a Cheesburger and some hush puppies. Supposedly there is a place in Williamsburg that is the best BBQ around that we were suppose to go to after work on Friday but I think Sherry is getting that overwhelmed feeling again so we will most likely stay home and work.

Franklin helped me install our new dishwasher after we had finished cleaning up the upper left bedroom. It runs nicely, and I hooked up the washer and dryer last night after they left, so we are fully functional now, and making good progress.

On the work front I was suppose to hear from Bank of America today (still the same job I was interviewing for a month ago) and I would most likely take it if they offer it. Shorter drive, better pay, but contract position and constantly having to prove myself to get the full time gig, which I am up for.

Going to read a chapter in A Time to Kill by Grisham (purchased at Garage sale for 25 cents) ... this is actually his first novel and said to be the most auto biographical though not on purpose.